man waving to the people

For the busy professional wanting the latest info on politics and health care. 

60 executive actions have been signed by Biden this year and the two that affect your health care. When President Biden took office he vowed to undo the damage done by Trump’s health care policy. It is always our hope people in government office will work for us and not against us. However, making decisions… Continue reading For the busy professional wanting the latest info on politics and health care. 

crop woman using calculator while counting bills in workspace

How to find a health insurance plan you can afford

Health insurance is too complicated Trying to program the clock on my coffee pot sometimes makes me wonder how I’ve kept the dog alive this long. Being a productive member of society (adult) does not correlate to understanding health insurance.  I’m going to show you how to get from a point of little understanding to… Continue reading How to find a health insurance plan you can afford

A Proven Process for Resolving Challenges

We have a process for getting ready for work, getting ready for dinner, setting the table, and shopping for groceries. However, most of us don’t have a process for dealing with challenges. This is a shame, because challenges are a constant in life. Besides resolving the issue at hand, overcoming a challenge also provides momentum… Continue reading A Proven Process for Resolving Challenges

Open enrollment deadline nears

If you were unhappy with your health insurance this year, open enrollment is your opportunity to make a change. Sunday, December 15, 2019 is the last day to compare and update health insurance plans through the healthcare marketplace. If you purchased insurance through the marketplace for 2019, missing this deadline could mean you will automatically… Continue reading Open enrollment deadline nears

Relief from high medical costs for chronic illnesses

If you have a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) you KNOW. If you don’t have a HDHP here’s a synopsis: Individual deductibles are at least $1,350 or $2,700 for a family and total yearly out-of-pocket expenses can’t be more than $6,700 for an individual or $13,500 for a family. Here’s the thing, out-of-pocket expenses include deductibles,… Continue reading Relief from high medical costs for chronic illnesses